
Business continuity management

A business contuinity plan (BCP) exists for potential disaster scenario’s that could affect the critical processes. The business contuinity plan is reviewed at least annually. The business continuity plan is...

Disaster Recovery Plan

A disaster recovery plan (DRP) exists for potential disaster scenarios that could affect the IT systems. The disaster recovery plan is reviewed at least annually. The disaster recovery plan is...

Offline backup

All critical backup media, documentation and other IT resources needed for IT recovery, and business continuity plans are stored offsite. The content of backup storage is determined after collaboration between...

Domain reservations

Description Domain names reserved for organisational purposes cannot be released shortly after the domain name is no longer needed. A list of domain names that can never be released needs...

Emergency updates

Emergency changes requiring immediate implementation are properly handled to ensure minimal impact on systems and IT applications. The emergency change is registered, evaluated and tested after implementation and approved by...